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Looking for a family connection to Scotland

I believe that I am a direst descendant of a MacLaine forbearer. Baptismal records of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Belfast, PEI, Canada record the birth of one James McLaine, born to Murdock McLaine and Janet Anderson of Orwell, PEI in 1838. I know with 100% certainty that this James McLaine was my great grandfather as the family tree going forward is well established. Now I hope to be able to move the family tree backwards into Scotland. I don't know how feasible this will be, particularly as I have been at an impasse for quite some time. I believe I have exhausted the internet as a research tool so I am wondering if your genealogist might be able to offer any suggestions on how I might further my objective. I do have a tiny bit of information on Murdock McLaine in the form of some family folklore which may or may not have basis in fact. I would be please to share that if deemed worthwhile. An help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


I have copied your enquiry to our Clan Genealogist - Neill Maclaine.

While the clan records for those living, or who have roots in Scotland, are fairly extensive, unless you can provide a link to Scotland, the possibility of identifying your lineage is problematic.

Nonetheless I am sure Neill will examine his extensive data base and if he is able to identify any relevant links he will contact you.

I’m sorry I cannot be more helpful at this stage.

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